Urbana Dental Clinic

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Urbana Dental Clinic and Laser Centre

We, at Urbana Dental Clinic and Laser Centre, follow strict COVID safety protocols and sterilization techniques.
We are adamant to provide you the safest possible service at our dental clinic in sector 21C, Faridabad.

Best Dental Clinic in Faridabad

Welcome to Urbana Dental Clinic and Laser Centre

Rest assured that you will be consulted by one of the best dentists in Faridabad at Urbana Dental Clinic and Laser Center.

Happy Patients
Doctor and Staff
Years Of Experience
Treated Patients

Our Centres of Excellence

RootCanal Treatment

RootCanal Treatment

Our expert practices single sitting painless Root Canal treatment in Indore at Dr Supriya’s Dental & Cosmetology Clinic...

Teeth Fillings

Teeth Fillings

Dental fillings in Indore, Best Dental filling in Indore: A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal...



Dentures are appliances that are custom made to replace a person’s missing teeth and restore the appearance and oral functions...

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

The dental implant acts as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. A dental implant is a surgical fixture that is placed into...

Teeth Braces

Teeth Braces

Dr Supriya’s Dental & Cosmetology Clinic in Indore is known for its high-quality Orthodontic treatment in Indore...

Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners

Dr Supriya’s Dental & Cosmetology Clinic in Indore offers high-quality Orthodontic treatment in Indore. Invisalign...

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth Cleaning

Dental cleaning is just not normal cleaning but overall hygiene of your mouth along with checkup. Dental cleaning at...

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive bleaching procedure for teeth. Our clinic is known for teeth whitening in Indore. Teeth bleaching...

Smile Designing

Smile Designing

A smile speaks before you even speak. Smile designing gives you a complete smile makeover to enhance your smile. It Boosts...

Tooth Crown

Tooth Crown

Crown is a cosmetic restoration of your tooth used to strengthen a tooth or improve its appearance/shape...

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge replaces the missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great and bridges the gap between where one or...

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction at our clinic is done by oral surgeons, a painless procedure done under proper anaesthesia. Tooth extraction...

Teeth Scaling

Teeth Scaling

Our Dental Clinic serves as the best Periodontist treatment in Indore. We offer teeth scaling procedures for clearing the...



Gum treatment involves the procedure of deep teeth scaling followed by medication. Gums even bleed when you brush your...

Gum Surgeries

Gum Surgeries

Gum surgeries are exclusively performed at our dental clinic by a specialist periodontist in Indore. Gum surgery is...

Our Centres of Excellence

RootCanal Treatment

Our specialists perform a painless root canal treatment in one session or single sitting at Sector 21C, Faridabad...


Dentures are appliances that are custom made to replace a person’s missing teeth and restore the appearance and oral functions...

Teeth FIllings
Teeth Fillings

Dental fillings in Indore, Best Dental filling in Indore: A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal...

Dental Implants
Dental Implants

The dental implant acts as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. A dental implant is a surgical fixture that is placed into...

Teeth Braces
Teeth Braces

Dr Supriya’s Dental & Cosmetology Clinic in Indore is known for its high-quality Orthodontic treatment in Indore...

Clear Aligners
Clear Aligners

Dr Supriya’s Dental & Cosmetology Clinic in Indore offers high-quality Orthodontic treatment in Indore. Invisalign...

Teeth Cleaning
Teeth Cleaning

Dental cleaning is just not normal cleaning but overall hygiene of your mouth along with checkup. Dental cleaning at...

Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive bleaching procedure for teeth. Our clinic is known for teeth whitening in Indore. Teeth bleaching...

Smile Designing
Smile Designing

A smile speaks before you even speak. Smile designing gives you a complete smile makeover to enhance your smile. It boosts...

Tooth Crown
Tooth Crown

Crown is a cosmetic restoration of your tooth used to strengthen a tooth or improve its appearance/shape...

Dental Bridges
Dental Bridges

A dental bridge replaces the missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great and bridges the gap between where one or...

Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction at our clinic is done by oral surgeons, a painless procedure done under proper anaesthesia. Tooth extraction...

Teeth Scaling
Teeth Scaling

Our Dental Clinic serves as the best Periodontist treatment in Indore. We offer teeth scaling procedures for clearing the...


Gum treatment involves the procedure of deep teeth scaling followed by medication. Gums even bleed when you brush your...

Gum Surgeries
Gum Surgeries

Gum surgeries are exclusively performed at our dental clinic by a specialist periodontist in Indore. Gum surgery is...

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    RootCanal Treatment
    RootCanal Treatment

    Our expert practices single sitting painless Root Canal treatment. A Root Canal procedure involves removal of the soft...

      Teeth Fillings
      Teeth Fillings

      The teeth filling procedure involves filling cavities caused by tooth decay. A dental filling is performed to remove, clean and...


        Dentures are removable substitutes for missing teeth and surrounding tissue functioning. Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori...

          Dental Implants
          Dental Implants

          Dental implants are replacement of tooth roots, which provides a strong foundation for permanent teeth and at Dental Clinic in...

            Teeth Braces
            Teeth Braces

            Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune is known for its high quality Orthodontic treatment in Pune and teeth braces play a...

              Clear Aligners
              Clear Aligners

              At our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune, we offer high quality invisible braces for aligning your teeth and enabling you to...

                Teeth Cleaning
                Teeth Cleaning

                At our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune, we specialize in providing the best oral hygiene treatment by removing plaque and...

                  Teeth Whitening
                  Teeth Whitening

                  Our Dental Clinic in Pune is known for using advanced technology to improve the appearance of teeth through whitening...

                    Smile Designing
                    Smile Designing

                    Our Dental Clinic’s expertise lies within cosmetic treatment in Dhanori, Pune. We examine the factors affecting your smile...

                      Tooth Crown
                      Tooth Crown

                      Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune expertise to cover the tooth with a cap to restore its size, shape and display...

                        Dental Bridges
                        Dental Bridges

                        Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune provides excellent treatment to bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth...

                          Tooth Extraction
                          Tooth Extraction

                          Oral Surgeon at our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune provides the best extraction treatment to remove broken and below the...

                            Teeth Scaling
                            Teeth Scaling

                            Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori offers the best Periodontist treatment in Pune. We offer an exclusive teeth polishing service for...


                              Our Dental Clinic in Dhanori, Pune provides effective treatments for gum redness, irritation and inflammation. We prefer in...

                                Gum Surgeries
                                Gum Surgeries

                                Gum surgery is exclusively performed at our dental clinic by our periodontist in Dhanori, Pune. Gum surgery is...

                                Be assured that you would be consulting one of the top dentists in Faridabad at Urbana Dental Clinic and Laser Centre.

                                Dental problems? Contact us to discuss how can we help you.

                                Why Urbana Dental Clinic and LASER Centre

                                Experienced Doctors:

                                Our expert knows well how to treat a patient considering their comfort

                                Cost Effective

                                The payment method for dental procedures is designed considering our patient’s

                                Best Dental Care:

                                We are committed to in-depth dental care solutions to our patient’s concern

                                Covid Safety:

                                Dental procedures are performed keeping the patient’s concern on the top of the mind

                                It is all About the Patient

                                Dental procedures are performed keeping the patient’s concern on the top of the mind.

                                Meet Your Doctor

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                                Meet Your Doctor

                                CHIEF DENTIST

                                Dr. Nailah Khan

                                BDS, MDS, Associate Fellow in Lasers (WCLI, USA)

                                Dr. Nailah Khan is a Master in Periodontology & Oral Implantology from the University of Health Sciences Rohtak. She is also Associate Fellow in soft and hard tissue lasers from the world-renowned institute, WCLI, USA. she has attended various national and international workshops and conferences to keep her knowledge updated.

                                Be assured that you would be consulting one of the top dentists in Faridabad at Dr. Nailah Khan Dental & Cosmetology Clinic.

                                Dental problems? Contact us to discuss how can we help you.

                                We're Trusted By Your Neighbours & Friends

                                Positive Reviews Across Google & Facebook | 5 Star Rating

                                Read why our patients love us. We go above and beyond to deliver upon our promise of quality and care.

                                Amazing facilities. Painless treatments. I got multiple fillings and one tooth extraction done by Dr. Nailah Khan at Urbana Dental Clinic, Sec 21 C Faridabad. My experience was good and I liked the kid's play zone and the clinic. Highly recommended.

                                Shahwaiz Nadeem
                                Shahwaiz Nadeem


                                Only behavior of doctor is nice and place is neat, clean and hygienic. Painful and long treatment. Not much experience as didn't know from x ray and forcefully removed teeth. Assistant has bruised the lip due to suction.

                                Torsha Bera
                                Torsha Bera


                                My scaling and gum treatment was done by Urbana Dental Clinic (Dr. Nailah Khan). Her work is so clean, perfect and never painful. Wish to visit her always when it comes to dental problem. Much recommended to all.

                                Saleha Khanam
                                Saleha Khanam


                                Really good experience and good hospitality. The dentist is very friendly and really good at what she does. I had already visited her a couple of times and i am really happy from the service. Really recommend him!!

                                NEHA NARWAL
                                NEHA NARWAL
